Freidus has a reputation for continually pushing her personal creative envelope. In an age where everyone strives to create their own brand, her style and perspective ensure that her work is unique and instantly recognizable.
Thomas Hall, Arts & Entertainment journalist for the Examiner in Southwest Florida and author. |
"Freidus creates art in which flowers, figures and architectural structures are arranged in a panoply of dream-like compositions. Her colorful works of art evoke the enchantment of child-like fantasy along with worldly sophistication. She has invented her own inimitable style and slant on reality through innovation, talent and having a positive and humorous perspective on life."
Renee Phillips, Author, Arts writer, Artists advocate and mentor, Director and Curator, Manhattan Arts International. |
Painting in a post-Impressionist manner reminiscent of Cezanne, Lisa Freidus style also reminds us of the Expressionist use of color to convey emotion. Lisas paintings, particularly her stillife and nature scenes, use vibrant colors that sizzle with energy, dazzle the eye and leave a powerful impression.
Claudia Moscovici, co-founder of postromanticism.com and art critic (Romanticism and Postromanticism, Lexington Books, 2007) |
"Lisas personality is as charming and colorful as her art. Her combination of strong creativity, technique and a sense of design makes her art unique and fresh. I'm honored to own two paintings from this very talented artist."
Stephen Gray Blancett, acclaimed artist, gallery owner, philanthropist, creative art director in advertising and publishing.
As a collector of Lisas work for over two decades, it has been a privilege to watch her grow as an artist. She has continually challenged herself to try new mediums, and as a result I own all four watercolors, monotypes, acrylics and mixed media. Lisas vivid imagination has led her to create gorgeously colorful works that brighten my day. Her whimsical creations make me smile. And yet there is an elegance to her work. I will always be interested in seeing where her work takes her.
Molly Wilson Executive Administrator Polaris Partners & the Global Venture Capital Congress. |
Lisa Freidus creates work of subjects that are familiar to all of us -- scenes of rooms, towns, tabletops, flowers, furniture. But her wonderful imagination creates a sometimes unfamiliar view-laden with color, charm, good cheer, and whimsy.
Christine Brook Cote, Writer, Editor and Publisher of Still point Art Gallery, Still Point Arts Quarterly and Shanti Arts Publishing. |